Human Centered
Experience specialists
We at STHLM Experience Lab are passionate about creating great user experiences and this has made us very interested in research and user behavior. After all – a good user experience consists of so much more than just design and UI.
In order to create really good user experiences, a broad spectrum of skills is needed, and an understanding of the entire customer journey and the organization behind it. You need to know when and how to collect information and from what type of user. You need to know what kind of methods that are suitable to use at what time in a project, in which situations you need to stop and in which situations it is time push onwards.
This approach is referred to as customer-centric, Design Thinking or user-centered design (you may also be familiar with terms such as UX design, CX, service design, Lean and Google Design Sprints). In practice, these concepts are just different variants of how an organization can work effectively with design and innovation.
We will help you with:
- Customer Journeys & Customer Journey mapping
- UX, research & service design
- Setting up a customer centric workflow in your company
- Coaching your teams in effective methodology
- Alignment between product, sales, customer support etc
- Combining customer needs with business viability & technological feasibility
Charlotta Maal Kärsrud
Customer Experience Manager, UX-researcher och Marknadsstrateg
Hi, I’m Charlotta Maal Kärsrud, and all my professional life I’ve worked with digital products and services – but from a verity of positions. I started of as a marketing manager at a tech company and worked in close collaboration with the development team, after that I began to work with digital business development and service design in different types of digital projects at big and small companies.
Sometimes I meet with people that are surprise that I have a background as marketing manager and that I now work with digital services and experiences, but for me it has been a natural transition.
I see marketing, business development and digital product development as basically the same thing – its all about really understanding your target group (or users – If you prefer) and to work strategically from insights rather then opinions.
My toolbox t is a bundle of methods that have their foundation in Human-Centered Design, marketing strategy and classic management strategy.
Phone: 073 93 59 756
E-post: charlotta@sthlmexperiencelab.se
Connect with me at LinkedIn
Erik Lindahl
UX and Service Designer, Speaker and Coach
Hi! My name is Erik Lindahl, a UX & Service Designer. Based on thorough research, I will help you design desirable experiences for your customers – perfectly combined with your business objectives, resources and feasible technology.
This is referred to as customer-centricity, Design Thinking, or human-centered design (you may be familiar with more terms such as UX design, CX, Service Design, Lean, and design sprints). In reality, they’re just slightly different approaches on how to work in an effective way with design and innovation. I’ll set you up with this proven and effective process, that can deliver optimal business value for your organisation.
Say goodbye to unproductive meetings, the fear of mistakes or changes, and all the other problems that comes out of opinion-centered work. Instead – with the help of a customer centric approach – let us make your product or service more desired and appreciated by your customers. As a bonus, it’ll also make your work more fun and rewarding!
Phone: 070 39 44 351
E-post: erik@sthlmexperiencelab.se
Connect with me at LinkedIn